How to reassign data

Data Published: 08/15/2022

Keyavi Portal

User Administrator

Security Administrator 

When a user protects a file with Keyavi, they become the "data owner". As a data owner of that file they maintain control and visibility of that file in perpetuity. However, if that user leaves the organization, changes roles, or they should no longer be in control of that data for any reason, then an administrator can easily transfer data ownership from one user to another. This transfer allows the new owner to have control of the data and prevents the file from being "orphaned."

Note: This is currently an all-or-nothing functionality, meaning that all data owned by one user is transferred to another and cannot be done on a file-by-file basis.

  1. Log into the Keyavi Portal with your User Administrator account.
  2. Hover your curser over the grey bar on the left-hand menu and select User Management.
  3. Select box next to the user whose data you want to reassign, and then select Reassign Data.
  4. The Transfer User window will pop up. Search for the user you want to reassign that data to click next to their name and select Transfer User.
    The Transfer User popup will close, and a yellow banner will display saying Payload Transferred Successfully.
  5. The new data owner will need to be notified that they are now the new data owner. The list of newly transferred IKD files will show up in their Keyavi Portal Data Management Console as if they created the IKD files. The new data owner will have Full Access rights to all the IKD files they own. Keep in mind the new owner will need to be in possession of the files themselves in order to access the contents.