Keyavi network connectivity tests

Date Published 08/15/2022

Keyavi Deployment

IT Administrators 

When configuring your IIS servers for the first time it is a good idea to run the following tests to ensure you have connectivity to the Keyavi websites. These tests ensure that issues are not caused by network issues. Verifying network connectivity will help the deployment go smoothly and prevent issues once Keyavi is deployed. These tests will need to be run in PowerShell. Search for PowerShell in the Windows Search bar and run the PowerShell commands listed below.

Your environment URLS

  • test-netconnection -port 443
  • test-netconnection -port 443
  • test-netconnection -port 443 (MSGraphAPI)
  • test-netconnection -port 443
  • test-netconnection -port 443

Note: The above URLs will be replaced with your domains that are created during the deployment process.

 If the connection is successful, PowerShell will output True. If the connection fails, PowerShell will output False. If you get a false message, check the communication with the DNS, ensure port 443 is open for inbound and outbound traffic, the websites listed above are whitelisted, and the websites are working and not giving an error message 

Your Connectivity to geolocation services 

  • test-netconnection -port 443
  • test-netconnection -port 443
  • test-netconnection -port 80
  • test-netconnection -port 44

    If the connection is successful, PowerShell will output True. If the connection fails, PowerShell will output False. If you get a false message, you will need to check the communication DNS, ensure port 443/port 80 is open for inbound and outbound traffic, the websites listed above are whitelisted and the websites are working and not giving an error message.