Error: Offline Access to file not available at this time!

Date Published: 08/01/2023

Keyavi 2.1+ (Keyavi Desktop application)

Keyavi users

If you see a red banner with the message "Offline Access to file not available at this time!" when attempting to open an IKD file from the Desktop application, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue, as outlined below. 

Ensure you are connected to the internet

By default, Keyavi requires an internet connection to check the file's policies to open the file. Unless Offline Access has been enabled for you, the file won't open without internet. 

Make sure the file has content. 

If the IKD file that you're attempting to open is blank (in other words, there is no content within it), this error message will be displayed. Check with the data owner to validate that there is some content within the file. 

Restart your device. 

Close any browsers, the Keyavi application, and restart your device. 

Contact your administrator. 

If the error message persists, contact your Keyavi administrator for additional troubleshooting.