Unable to protect or open files

Date Published: 08/17/2022

Keyavi 2.1.0, Keyavi 2.0.2

Keyavi Users

This article outlines the steps to take if you are unable to protect files with Keyavi to create IKD files, and opening IKD files is not working either. These steps include attempting to protect or open with another method, restarting your computer, reinstalling the Keyavi application, and verifying that geolocation services are functional. If you are unable to open, but can protect files, see the Unable to open files, but can protect files article.

If you attempt to protect or open a Keyavi-protected IKD file, but the file doesn't protect successfully or open, then try an alternate method to protect or open the file. When attempting to protect or open a file with multiple methods and the file doesn’t protect or open, you may need to restart your device or reinstall Keyavi.

Restart your computer

Restarting your computer can clear the cache, eliminating issues preventing the file from opening or protected properly. Save any work in progress and close all programs. Restart your device as normal and open the Keyavi Desktop Application by searching for Keyavi in the Windows Start Menu. Reattempt to open or protect the file.

Reinstall Keyavi

Reinstalling Keyavi may require you to contact your IT Support. Search for Apps & features in the Windows Search Bar. Scroll down until you see Keyavi. Click on Keyavi and select Uninstall. Open the Keyavi Portal, and hover your cursor over the left-hand menu, and select Clients. Select Keyavi and run the follow the prompts in the installer. Once Keyavi is installed again, reattempt to open the file.

Verify that ipinfo.io is not blocked – Administrator Only

Keyavi uses geolocation services to accurately maintain geolocation policy controls of Keyavi-protected data. If you are experiencing issues with protecting and opening Keyavi files, verify that https://ipinfo.io/ is not blocked in your environment. By allowing this service, Keyavi is able to get the user’s location they are trying to open or protect the file. Navigate to https://ipinfo.io/ and verify that the location data for Hostname, Location Coordinates, Region, Postal/Zip Code, Country, and City being returned from the website are not null.


If you attempt to open an IKD file and you get a message that "You are not authorized to view this file" then you haven't been granted access by the data owner. You can click the Request button to request access from the data owner, but until the data owner gives you permission to view the file, you won't be able to open it. See Related Article for more information.